Build a system that fits your needs.

ID4ARTS can customize the system to fit any scale of operation – from artists working in their studios to major museums, from galleries and art fairs or auction houses to art finance, art insurance and art storage.

A basic installation includes a set of identifiers, and an easy-to-use reader supported by any smartphone.  For the artist or collector, those elements provide reliable tracking of works –no more lost or misplaced pieces, no time-consuming hand counts.

For security needs as well as logistics, fixed readers – small devices discreetly mounted inside a gallery, store room, or your home – will report automatically the movement of any work within the space.

Institutions that move large numbers of pieces regularly – museums, auction houses -- will benefit from reports that integrate into existing management software, providing instantaneous updating of a work’s status and location.  

Training of staff and online support is available for all clients. 

 Pricing estimates on request.  Please contact us for further information.